An Action Plan for the Renovation Wave: Collectively achieving sustainable buildings in Europe

Dear friends and colleagues,

The economic growth strategies described in the European Green Deal will be an important element of the post-crisis recovery programme. In this context, the renovation wave should play an important role. BPIE developed a set of recommendations for all stakeholders which could help trigger a renovation wave and to achieve climate-neutrality for Europe’s building stock by 2050: An Action Plan for the Renovation Wave: Collectively achieving sustainable buildings in Europe (click to read).
Launching the renovation wave will require a holistic, cross-sectoral approach, from policy makers to industry players, financial institutions and individual home and building owners.

This paper therefore lays out an evidence-based strategy for the buildings sector with actionable guidelines specific to each group along the value chain. Our aim is to support the transition to climate-neutrality, while pulling Europeans out of energy poverty, and growing the green economy.
We hope you will enjoy the reading, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions. 
Best regards,
Oliver Rapf
Executive Director