7 sierpnia, 2018


Informations about Association of Energy Auditors

The association was formed at the founding meeting on January 21, 2000 and was registered at the District Court in Warsaw on March 31, 2000.

The association promotes and initiates the cooperation of energy auditors and all persons interested in the energy auditing system and the rationalization of energy use.

The Main Association’s Goals

  • promotion and development of energy auditing in the interest of sustainable development of the national economy and members of ASSOCIATION
  • promotion and support of technical and scientific achievements in the field of energy auditing and energy certification of buildings as well as rationalization of energy use for improvement of the natural environment condition
  • dissemination of knowledge and awareness in the society regarding the rational use of energy in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts and protect natural values of the country for future generations
  • supporting the professional development of the members of ASSOCIATION


Association Members
Years of Activity
Recommended Auditors